Wednesday, 7 March 2007


Sorry about the delays in the next release, been very busy with uni and to top it off my computer died (all fixed now though)

I am going to start converting the vob files (from season 3) to video files in the next few days so stay posted


biff_m said...

What resolution are the original vobs? I would like to request that future releases be higher resolution, if possible. If there isn't much loss in quality compared to the originals, I guess it's not a big deal, but 384 by 282 is rather small if the were ripped from DVD. I do appreciate the previous releases, though. I used to watch this show as a kid.


biff_m said...

Also, I have converted some DVDs to XviD in the past, so if you would like some help upping the resolution, I'd be glad to share the settings I've used.

TheCult said...

the vobs are in about hte same quality as the files i have already released sadly. thanks for the offers to help though

Derek 2.0 said...

please let me know if there's a fix for season 29 episode 8. id sure want to download it if there was.

TheCult said...

just check the season 29 ep 8 i shall try getting another copy of the file and see if i can get a better on for you lot. not long till i release the next season

Derek 2.0 said...

thanks man thats awesome...lookin forward to the next season

Unknown said...

Just stumbled across this blog, awsome that you are releasing those vids. Any chance you got some covers for them ?

Anonymous said...

realy great you put all BR seasons up for all of us :o)


Unknown said...

How much cash do you need to rip all 2-15 seasons?

Derek 2.0 said...

i noticed some more audio glitches:
S31E04, S31E05, S31E09, S31E12, and S31E13

bobfan said...

Hey Dukes, season 15 is already out there. Where did you find season 1?

TheCult said...

sorry i havnt been online for a while the internet has been down. I have tired converting the season 3 i ahve a few times but always get bad audio sync's and motion blur so over the next few days i am going to convert the vob's into the iso's/. That means (for you that arnt up on your tech terms) i shall be releasing the dvd images so they can go straight to dvd (only problem is that it will be about 12gb for season 3, but better than nothing). I shall keep you posted

Unknown said...

I need seasons between 2 and 15. I have season 2 and I like to watch beginning of the series. I wish I could get some from our library but never saw any.

Unknown said...

I feel bad for downloading all this Bob Ross without donating but what little spare money I have goes to paint and canvass, internet connection to get episodes so I can learn more from Bob. I'll pay you as soon as I can Cult, thanks for evrything! My paintings are coming out so great and I couldn't do it without you and Bob. Cheers.

Derek 2.0 said...

i found another error in the dvd ripping. Season 30 - Episode 12 has the very end chopped off. Also, I wanna say that by posting these errors I'm in no way trying to give you a hard time. You're doing alot of people a big favor by providing these torrents. Maybe you could create a blog post just for errors so that everyone can compile a list of errors they find and then whoever can fix them can get started. We can work together to make the releases top quality. Let me know if I can do anything to help.

TheCult said...

Derek i know your not picking mistakes, its just that i didnt rip 15 onwards, when i have some free time i shall go through the season and get fixes for them, richard, contact me on if you wanna help convert them (i shall give you the vobs and the problems i am having). Everyone else thanks a lot for your comments. This months server bill was covered so im fine for a few weeks :)

Again i am truly sorry over the delays that have happened, but hopefully i should be getting back on track now with richards video help :P (vob conversion is usually easy but for some reason these are a real pain in the arse)

Cheers all

TheCult said...

never got that email checked spam and everything.

i shall retype my email just incase i typed it wrong the first time


failing that just leave your contact details here and i will contact you

KILROY said...

Is there any chance we could get seasons 1-14? I appreciate every thing you have done thus far. Never in my life could I have gotten these on my own, I am enjoying these immensely. Thank You.

Unknown said...

Hello, I have the complete episodes 15 until 31, let me know I=if you want something

Unknown said...

THe tracker for Season 28 is not working. It just times out it apears as the tracker to

Is not working any help would be greatly appreciative.

Wealth Builder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wealth Builder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fragmentsofwisdom said...

Hello. I was wondering if we'll ever get this tracker working again. I would love to hear from you guys. Thanks!

rossyfan said...

These should all be up on demonoid - try searching there. I think this release group and tracker are dead. Seasons 2-14 were going to get posted and then never were. If I can get the ebooks from Abraham I'll post them to demonoid for everyone.

fragmentsofwisdom said...

hi rossyfan. are you a member of demonoid? would you happen to have any invites available? let me know what you would want in return though. thanks

looking4bobross said...

It's been a year - is this site dead? No new releases and the books were never posted....

demonoid is back up and invites are needed :)

bbmagic said...

I've got some Demonoid invites, if it helps me get season 3-14! :)

Unknown said...

is this project dead???

Unknown said...

I was wondering if this blog/project has died? I would love to see seasons 3-12 released. Thanks

Anatole said...

Thank you very much for the releases.

I dont know if its possible, but, it would be awesome if you can do some Bill Alexander releases!

Best regards!

Unknown said...

the torrents links are dead...
server is not working...

The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.